Do I have to do a Tandem Skydive first?

Skydiving student smiles at camera in free fall

Our most adventurous customers often want to know what it takes to jump out solo. If you’re a go-getter wanting to know how many jumps before you can skydive alone, if tandem skydives are required and how to get from tandem jumper to licensed skydiver going solo– read on.
Do I have to do a tandem skydive first? It depends. While the United State Parachute Association (USPA) does not require any tandem skydives prior to starting a solo licensing program, each skydiving center can set their own policies and requirements.

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How Do You Become A Skydiver?

Skydive Midwest How to Become a Licensed Skydiver

How do you become a licensed skydiver? So, you’ve heard of tandem skydiving and you know someone who has done it but what the heck is a skydiving license? How does one learn to skydive, become licensed or become a professional skydiver? Well, it’s actually a lot more accessible than you might think. THE BASICS…

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How Much Does Skydiving Cost?

How Much does Skydiving Cost

HOW MUCH DOES SKYDIVING COST? (And how to get the best value for your money) This is a great question but an even better question would be: How much SHOULD skydiving cost. The average cost of a skydive should range between $250-300. If you’ve found a skydive cheaper than that, there are some buyer-beware facts…

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Recurrency Checklist

Land background solo

recurrency Checklist: What should I review before jumping again? So, you’re coming off of an absence from skydiving for whatever reason. Perhaps you’re at a Northern DZ and you haven’t jumped all winter. Or maybe you’re returning from an injury. Maybe you had a personal or financial reason for taking a break. Whatever the reason,…

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Skydiver Longevity – 7 Tips to Prolong Your Skydiving Career

Skydiver smiling as he is about to board an aircraft.

SKYDIVER LONGEVITY7 Tips to Prolong Your Skydiving Career You might think of skydiving as a young man’s game, but you’d be surprised. The largest demographic of licensed skydiver is 30-39 years old, making up 25% of United States Parachute Association Membership. The 2nd largest demographic, making up 23% of membership is 60+ years of age!…

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What’s Next? The Benefits of Getting Your Skydiving License

Tandem Skydive Midwest Near Milwaukee WI

What’s Next?The Benefits of Getting Your Skydiving License You’ve taken the leap and now you’re hooked! You’ve told everyone you know about your exhilarating experience and now you’re wondering – What’s next? And when can I jump again? You can jump as often as you’d like and we’ll gladly bring you up for another tandem…

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