Becoming a Tandem Skydiving Instructor

Tandem instructor gives two thumbs up during a skydive

They say, “Do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” The sentiment is nice, but the reality is, if you really love something- you work hard for it. Professional skydiving instructors have done a lot to get where they are. Just because skydiving is fun doesn’t mean it isn’t also hard work. So, what does it take to become a tandem skydiving instructor? Read on to learn about the training, prerequisites, pros and cons to becoming a tandem instructor.

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Skydiving Safety Day

Kristin Beasley accepts safety day award at skydiving midwest

Spring is a special time of year for skydivers, especially in the Midwest. We start preparing to take to the skies again after a long, winter hibernation. At Skydive Midwest, we start jumping in late March or early April. There’s lots to do to prepare for another season of 7-days-a-week skydiving. One of the most important things we do before resuming jump operations is host Safety Day.

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Skydiving Tandem Equipment Explained

Tandem skydiver screams right after exiting the plane

If you’re thinking about doing a tandem skydive, you might have some questions about the gear that is going to be used during your jump. We pride ourselves on jumping equipment built by the most respected manufacturers in the industry. In this blog, learn all about the magic backpack that’s going to take you to the skies- as tandem skydiving equipment is explained.

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Do I have to do a Tandem Skydive first?

Skydiving student smiles at camera in free fall

Our most adventurous customers often want to know what it takes to jump out solo. If you’re a go-getter wanting to know how many jumps before you can skydive alone, if tandem skydives are required and how to get from tandem jumper to licensed skydiver going solo– read on.
Do I have to do a tandem skydive first? It depends. While the United State Parachute Association (USPA) does not require any tandem skydives prior to starting a solo licensing program, each skydiving center can set their own policies and requirements.

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What if my Parachute doesn’t open?

tandem skydiver surprised by parachute opening

This is one of the most frequently asked questions among tandem students. It is a reasonable thing to ask before throwing yourself out of an airplane. Here’s everything you may (or may not) want to know about what happens if your parachute doesn’t open or “malfunctions”.

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Skydiving Parachutes

Modern parachutes are an absolute marvel of engineering. Tandem skydiving parachutes are expertly designed with safety, consistency, and heavy workloads in mind. They take the slow and steady approach. On the far end of the spectrum, parachutes designed for competitive canopy piloting take things to a whole new level. These parachutes and their pilots can do an absolutely incredible number of unbelievable maneuvers at mind-blowing speeds.

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